The organ that surrounds your little one during pregnancy is called the Placenta. It is the only organ your body can grow and provides nutrients, blood, oxygen and removes waste. Your placenta is delivered after the birth of your baby. Placenta encapsulation has been done for centuries, usually in Chinese medicine but has grown in popularity in the United States.

What is the process of placenta encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation is a two day process where I wash, steam, slice and dehydrate the placenta for 13 hours. It is then blended into a powder and placed into capsules. Afterwards the mom ingests the pills as instructed until she is finished. If you choose to encapsulate your placenta, the process is usually started immediately after birth, within 24 hours. The umbilical cord and sack is removed and the placenta is gently washed under water until most of the blood is off. The placenta is placed into a steamer basket with water that has chopped lemon and ginger. After 15 minutes on each side, and placenta is set aside on a disposable cutting board and sliced into thin slices. If you are wanting raw consumption, I will skip the dehydration process and put the steamed placenta slices into a gallon sized freezer bag into the freezer. You will put one cube of placenta into a smoothie and still experience the benefits! After slicing, the placenta is placed on a food grade dehydrator to dehydrate for 13 hours. The umbilical cord will be made into a shape or word (typically “love” or a heart), and is dehydrated along with your placenta. After 13 hours, the placenta is placed into a grinder to be made into a powder and put in 00 vegan capsules. Your capsules are finished and placed into a pill jar! The pill jar will be kept in your refrigerator until ready for consumption. Typically you will receive roughly 70-100 capsules and all placentas will be done in the clients home to reduce the risk of cross contamination.

The Pros of Encapsulation:

  • While there hasn’t been many studies on placenta encapsulation there have been many benefits such as:
  • - Increased energy
  • - Restoration of iron levels in the blood
  • - Increased milk supply
  • - Decrease in postpartum depression
  • - Decrease in stress
  • - Increase release of the hormone oxytocin
  • - Reduced fatigue
  • Typically you will either ingest your placenta by raw consumption or in capsule form.
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The Cons of Encapsulation:

  • Since there isn’t many studies that exist there isn’t many known risks to placenta consumption. Some have experienced jitteriness, dizziness and increased anxiety. Each individual should evaluate the potential risks to decide if placenta encapsulation is right for you.
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Making your Decision:

  • While each person’s experience with their placenta is a personal one, if you are interested in placenta encapsulation reach out to New Life Magnolia! I always take safe precautions when preparing your placenta by wearing and changing gloves throughout and sanitizing with a bleach/water solution to kill as many germs in the surrounding area for preparation. If the placenta needs to be stored for any amount of time, it will be placed in the refrigerator on ice or the freezer until ready to prepare.
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Placenta Encapsulation Pricing

Raw placenta consumption ($175)
Placenta encapsulation ($250)

**Payment plans and sliding scales available upon request.